Tuesday, 15 July 2014

The Awakening Conscience

So I've made up my mind about how to post or whatever, I hope you'll enjoy it.

Today I've chosen The Awakening Conscience (1853), painting by William Holman Hunt, one of the founders of The Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. I decided to talk about it because my Polish teacher used to say how much she hated this painting, (it was on the the cover of some editions of Granica by Z. Nałkowska) and I just couldn't agree with her. Well I can't really say I love this painting but there's just something about it.

Okay, so let's take the couple first. The man is talking with somebody we can not see.  Somebody who's maybe standing in the door, or maybe leaning the piano. He seems very absorbed with the discussion. The woman, on the other hand, seems to be completely lost in her thoughts or maybe she's just recalled something or she saw something outside.  The visitor surely interrupted the whole scene. The man was playing the piano for the lady, he still has one hand on the keyboard or perhaps he was showing  her how to play something.  What about their relationship, are they lovers, maybe they're married.

I guess one of the reasons why I like this painting are the details, well I know there are many, many, many other paintings with great details, but hey, that's what makes them more interesting.

So it's a sunny summer or late spring day but it's not that warm, at least in the house. The lady is wearing a thick-looking scarf around her hips, either for decoration or maybe it's just slipped from her arms. (the scarf is really pretty, I wish I had a similar one). Also the mans clothes are suggesting that there might not be so warm. I know that he's dressed probably with the latest fashion, but doesn't his suite look more like a coat?

Oh look a bird! But what's with that cat, he looks as if he was interested in the conversation, pretty funny isn't it? Anyway I've never heard of a bird inside a house, well I maybe in 19th century it wasn't so uncommon.;d

I really like the interior details. They are so intricate!

That's all for today.  Have a nice day and I hope see you soon with another post (:

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Long time no see, I will skip all the excuses and stuff, cause it's not really why you're here, i mean you're not here to read about my life. I was wandering if continuing posting as i did before makes sense, as i would prefer to contemplate and somehow get more into some pieces rather than just show a few pretty/interesting paintings without a word. I don't know. But again then i don't have the knowledge or anything. I will think about it. And for the time being I'm leaving you with this small collection of paintings you've probably seen on my tumblr if you follow it and if  not you have a chance now. Enjoy and have a nice day (:

    Apples  by Myron G. Barlow
Gate to paradise (detail)  by Wilhelm Bernatzik
Still Life with meat by Monet
Oysters by Édouard Manet
Despatches - is he Mentioned by Edgar Bundy